Community Assets Bundle (CAB)

As a newbie here - and thank you ALL for your efforts and time! - I would remark that at least giving folks en estimate of the size would help, somewhere near the top, for if/when users try using metered connections. Not everyone has or can afford unlimited data packages :slight_smile: I just tried doing this over my cell hotspot and wiped out my last 4gb of data very quickly :slight_smile: Iā€™ll do at home later on the real connection, now I know it is > 100gb or so based on the post aboveā€¦ but a warning would have saved me from finding out the hard way.

Again though - thank you all for all you do. Loved the vanilla BT game, really looking forward to sinking my teeth into Extended.

I got the pre-cache from Nexus and then the installer actually worked.

L Installer.

W Nexus.

You cut your nose to spite your face.

unfortunately I am unable to give an estimated size as the CAB is constantly changing and the underlying protocol gives no such information on total sizes, otherwise I would have added it long ago

The only thing this proves is that your internet connection or ISP was the issueā€¦so

L Your Internet

which would make nexus once again irrelevant to the discussion.

Yeah my gigabit connection is the problem. All the people who have an issue, itā€™s just their ISP, yeah thatā€™s it. Canā€™t possibly be your installer is just junk.

Imagine thinking your installer that fails for everyone is better than precaching it or just torrenting it LOL

Ego the size of the moon. Your installer sucks.

W Nexus. L Modder.

ah yes the my internet has ā€œX speed!ā€ claimā€¦

Please note the following:

  1. Network speed is only 1 attribute of a network. there are many others, including quality. You can have 10 Gbps network speed, but if the networkā€™s signal quality is bad, it might as well be 10 Mbps. We have time and again found that people with high speed networks, but spotty WiFi run into issues because their WiFi is bad. Switching them over to Ethernet typically resolves this. Other times we have found other issues with their network connection that is causing issues (typically lost packets). The main point here is that a high speed internet connection is no guarantee that the connection is good.

  2. We have proven over the years that some ISPs do in fact throttle git traffic, in these cases having the user switch to an encrypted VPN typically helps.

  3. Connection quality can greatly differ just based on how the internet and routing works. Sometimes issues arise somewhere between even your ISP and the wider internet. Earlier this year we began receiving increased download failure reports, upon investigating we found many of the issues were in the same geographic region and eventually found that at GitHub issue in that area was to blame. to help we adjusted the structure of the CABs and between that and GitHub eventually resolving that issue reports of download failures dropped off again back to very few.

  4. Different network protocols are not equal. some are more resilient to spotty network connections than others. HTTP/HTTPS is fairly resilient by design. The Git protocol is not. However it has alot of other qualities that makes it fairly ideal for using to distribute the CAB, and so we chose that, knowing the trade-off and over time we believe it has proven itself to be good choice.

  5. Iā€™m not silly enough to believe that the installer works for everyone, Iā€™m a software developer, I know that bugs can and do exist within my code and the code of the libraries I depend on. And when reported through the correct channels along with logs I strive to fix those that I can. however, to insinuate that because you had issues that the ā€œinstaller fails for everyone!ā€ is just patently false, it works for most people and a only a relatively small number of people have issues.

  6. If the old and ancient precache from nexus got you across the line, then that indicates either it was a: a coincidence and it would have been fine on that attempt. or b: your network connection to GitHub was the issue, there are no other real possibilities, whether you want to accept that or not is not my issue.

  7. again not sure how nexus is a ā€œWā€ here, we are over them, like it or not this is where the CAB officially lives now.