Gruffydd's Mods

If you’re looking for any of my mods that I’ve removed from the Nexus, they can now be found at AFKMods.

Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters at:

Gruffydd’s Signs of the Times at:

Gruffydd’s Pool Table Storage Racks at:

If you find them anywhere else, it wasn’t with my permission, and you’re not getting the most recent updates. Plus, who knows what nastiness was added to it that you may be downloading to your computer. Avoid piracy, get them from the author.


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New update!
The long-awaited new version of Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters is now available at AFKMods:
Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters - Cities, Towns & Settlements - AFK Mods

It adds a bunch of new stuff, and has an all-new modular format that will let you pick and choose what categories of objects you want to add.

For the first time in six years, there’s a new update to the XB1 version of Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters.

It is now the new and improved modular version! So, what’s different? Aside from there being a LOT more stuff, and it now working seamlessly with SMM rather than with an often quirky script injection, it’s now one small main mod with a number of plugins, each for a different topic. Choose which you want, leave the rest. But the big bonus? All of those plugins are .esl files, which means that while they still take up space on your drive, they (in theory - I don’t have a console to test with) no longer count against the 2gb mod limit! Gone are the days of having to choose between GS&P and a bunch of other mods that you want. Now you can have them all.

You can find the core module at | Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters - Modular Mod