Installation 101

Bannername (1)
This player home is contained within a vault unknown to the lone wanderer, you’re only a guest to the vault, life continues as it did with or without you, its unknown the promise of the vault and little is said by the people that live there, with in the vault you can use the medical bay along with many chemical labs dotted around the vault as well as your some nuka cole machines, you can also find a working station for you to create your weapons, you will have one of your very own nuka cole machines for them ice cold bottle along with a bobble head stand and personal bed and storage.

What do you get
Medical Bay
Chemical Labs
Workshop Station
Nuka Cole Machine
Personal Bed
Person Handy Robot

East of the Chryslus Building entry will be on the floor the switch to the door will be on the pillars on the left, (You can see it in the screenshots)
Installation 101-24352-1-0-1600719021.7z (35.6 KB)