Riven1978 - [FNV] [Armor] [League Of Legends - Jinx] [Ver1.0]

Name: Riven1978’s League of Legends: Jinx Outfit
Version: 1.0
Date: 01MAR14
Category: Outfit
Author(s): Riven1978
Required: Type3 Compatible Meshes. (Made using the T3 K2 Alice, but any T3 Textures should work)


This outfit was done by request from Meeking. My Rendition of the League of Legends Champion, Jinx - The Loose Cannon. The textures aren’t all that great as I would like them,
but they are as good as my limited texturing skills will allow. If they are not your thing then by all means make a better set and i would be more then happy to include them.


I only deal in Manual installations,because I like to see what exactly is getting placed into my Directory. Many people will include texts, pics, and other various things
that I just don’t want cluttering up my Directory. If you follow the directions you shouldn’t have a problem. If you do the first thing you should always try is to see if
your using some form of Archive Invalidation. (if using the archaic text version you may have to input the files to it manually)

	1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
	2. Copy the Meshes and Textures Folders and the ESP file to your Fallout New Vegas Data Directory
	3. Ensure the ESP is checked before entering game


I have tried to make uninstallation as easy as possible, I have created my own folder under Meshes and Textures (eventually everything of mine will be found here) called
Rivens Additions. Go into that folder and delete the files from the RivensOutfits\LOLJinx Folder.


Biped Slots used = Upperbody for the outfit. Anything using those slots will not be able to be equipped along with

Known Issues or Bugs

None Known


1.0 Initial Release

Contact Info

On nexus = Riven1978
On Bethesda forums =Riven1978 (Very Rarely Check this one)
On yahoo = Kitcloudkicker21


To Meeking for requesting the outfit
To Kendo2 For the base Alice Body used
To TheAfterKing for providing a better texture than I provided.
To TheDragonKing82 for his patience and diligence with me always.
To Bethjunkie just because she is Super Awesome and the Greatest (Luvs Girl) for putting up with all my crap.
To Everyone that sends me requests, where I get most of my ideas.
To Everyone who enjoys my mods
To Everyone who has brought us the Fallout series and additions (Modders/Artists)

Tools I Frequently Use

Readme Generator


Everything used in the creation of these models, either came from Vanilla assets or I created them myself aside from those mentioned specifically in the credits portion.

Where as I normally do not have a problem allowing the use of my stuff in other things, I do require that I be informed before hand. Do not upload to any other site other then
the Nexus without approval.

If you upload or use anything included with this file anywhere without permission may You, your Family, and your descendants be cursed with the fleas of a thousand camels asses
infect your pubic region an armpits for the rest of your days. AlI you have to do is ask -.- it isn’t hard


Main File - [FNV] [Armour] [League Of Legends - Jinx] [Riven1978] [Ver01].zip (7.3 MB)
Retexture - LOL - JinX Outfit Retexture by TheAfterKing.zip (3.4 MB)