The Big Deal Add-On for BattleTech Extended 3025-3061

The Big Deal add-on for BattleTech Extended 3025-3061 (aka BEX) is a campaign consisting of a chain of flashpoints similar to the original Heavy Metal DLC. The campaign is meant to be late game content and will require powerful 'Mechs, ace MechWarriors, rare and scarce gear and tactical flair from you: this is NOT vanilla flashpoints, it’s significantly more difficult, but you can be sure – if you can handle it, then your suffering will pay off in full. To reiterate, I strongly recommend not to rush into the campaign, but to carefully prepare, and this means that you will definitely need the most trained pilots, DHS, various fancy 'Mechs from ComStar hunting, advanced basic and Lostech weapons. It would be more reasonable to call the campaign pre-Clan content – this should give you an idea of ​​the level of preparation of your unit for a full playthrough. Here’s what awaits you:
– Sequential campaign with a full story of 6 episodes: the very first one is taken from the vanilla Flashpoint DLC, the other 5 are completely new. Your enemies are for the most part well armed and prepared, so don’t relax.
– Lots of different notes, descriptions and references. Although the plot doesn’t claim to be a masterpiece of literature, I hope you enjoy it.
– In version 1.5, another small flashpoint campaign was added to start the game, aimed at medium and medium-light companies. TIME FOR SPITE AND VIOLENCE!
– Version 1.6 adds a third flashpoint campaign that you can start in the Raman system.
– 22 new events, 8 of which are random, and it’s up to you whether they happen or not.
– 55 new BattleMechs, including 3 unique chassis, which can only be obtained once. However, you may not get it, it all depends on your choice…
– Several new Ronin Mechwarriors.
– Greetings from MW4 and MechCommander – Rail Gun. An extremely powerful weapon for ranged combat, but very heavy, quite hot and practically useless in close combat; however, even a single hit is enough to terrify your enemies… If they survive after that. It’s not known for certain what war machines were supposed to carry such weapons during the days of the Star League, but if you can find it, it will be worth it.
– 4 new upgrades for Argo that will significantly increase the chances of your MechWarriors surviving when their 'Mechs are destroyed.
– 3 pieces of new unique equipment for your BattleMechs.
– Guardian ECM and Beagle Active Probe are now available not only as fixed equipment: you can find them in stores and FP reward crates (including vanilla FPs), however, these are rare equipment and hard to find; the above also applies to AMS + +. Incidentally, NARC + + and TAG + + have also been added to stores.
– 26 new logos for your mercenary unit.
– The Hell Of A Deal event has been fixed, so you no longer get some stupid LRM launcher for a million – only ‘Mech parts. However, it can still be either LosTech 'Mechs or quite ordinary models, so it all depends on luck.
– Several minor fixes, extensions and improvements.
– Adapted version of The Big Deal for mcb’s BTX CAC Compatibility mod, patches for compatibility with the Solaris 7 mod, and an optional patch for greater efficiency of new medical equipment. If it’s installed, then with all the new equipment for Argo, your MechWarriors will become immortal: they can still be injured, but it will be impossible to kill them by destroying the BattleMech, its head, or inflicting multiple wounds. This patch is NOT required to play, it’s fully optional – no need to install it if you don’t want to.

The mod is fully compatible with existing saves for BattleTech Extended.

How to start the campaign:
– If you have started a NEW BattleTech campaign or career, The Big Deal campaign will start after completing The Opportunist flashpoint.
– If The Opportunist has NOT been activated by you yet, i.e. even if it spawned, but you did NOT start it, then everything will work as in the previous paragraph.
– If you have ALREADY COMPLETED The Opportunist, the campaign will start at the start of The Letter event at a random time. In this case, I highly recommend installing it on existing saves ONLY if you have a tough team: each episode can be completed ONLY once. If you can’t do it or don’t have time (each flashpoint has 180 days to complete, except The Opportunist - its respawn is unlimited), the campaign will be considered failed.

How to start a new campaign added in version 1.5:
– From time to time, a flashpoint appears in the Cadiz (DC) system. This is your starting point.

How to start a new campaign added in version 1.6:
– From time to time, a flashpoint appears in the Raman system. This is your starting point.

Current version is 1.6.1, added 07/21/2024.

– All three major DLCs for BattleTech: Flashpoint, Heavy Metal and Urban Warfare.
– Installed modification BattleTech Extended 3025-3061 version with the BiggerDrops patch.

Compatibility with other mods:
The Big Deal add-on will definitely conflict with any mods installed with BEX if they do any of the following:
– Modify the MechSettings.json file at BATTLETECH\Mods\BT_Extended_CE;
– Modify AmmoCategory.json and\or Faction.json files at BATTLETECH\Mods\BT_Extended_Timeline\enums;
– Modify the mod.json file at BATTLETECH\Mods\BT_Extended_Timeline, but ONLY if you are using the Solaris 7 patch;
– Change\add the argoUpgrade_medBay_hospital.json file somewhere EXCEPT BATTLETECH\Mods\BT_Extended_CE\StreamingAssets\data\shipUpgrades;
– Change settings in mod.json in BATTLETECH\Mods\IRTweaks;
– Change the settings.json file at BATTLETECH\Mods\MechAffinity;
– Change the starsystems jsons at BATTLETECH\Mods\ISM3025\StarSystemDefs. This doesn’t always happen and is not a critical bug, but it can change the tag settings for systems;
– The mod is also incompatible with any mods that change the Mech Bay and the internal construction of the ‘Mechs, i.e. MechEngineer, etc.

The above conflicts don’t apply to mcb’s BTX CAC Compatibility mod, a separate version has been created for it: The Big Deal Add-On – BEX + CAC-C archive.

To manually configure compatibility with other modifications, you can use the Data For Manual Compatibility Settings archive – all the new data used in the aforementioned files are indicated separately there, but PLEASE NOTE – it’s NOT intended for installation, only for manually entering values from there into your assembly on BEX basis. ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL THIS ARCHIVE IN THE MODS FOLDER WILL DAMAGE YOUR MODS.

ATTENTION! The only official download sources are:
GitHub: Link
The Big Deal Add-On – Full (51.4 MB)

If you downloaded The Big Deal add-on from somewhere else, it’s NOT guaranteed to work normal, nor is it safe to use the contents of the archive.

ATTENTION! Starting from version 1.5, TBD requires installation of the latest version of CAB. This means that TBD will NOT work with the CAB installed in Legacy mode. How to update your CAB to the latest version:

  1. Download the latest CAB Installer here: Direct download link
  2. Open the folder where your donwloaded installer is and double-click on the CommunityAssetInstaller.exe. That folder must NOT BE BATTLETECH/Mods!
  3. In the CAB Installer menu press the “Update CAB” button and don’t touch anything else (this also means that CAB install mode must be “All”, not any other).
  4. Wait until the CAB Installer will report you that the CAB is updated to the latest version.
  5. It’s done.

Before installing, ALWAYS put the Spector SPR-4F ‘Mech into storage if you have it, and delete the Oldtimer Pack or 'Mechs, Mercs & Rock’n’Roll mods if you have them installed. If you don’t do this, then your saves may be irreversibly damaged. Also go to your Mods folder and delete the .modtek folder there, it should be the very first one in the list (DO NOT confuse it with ModTek folder in any way! ).

– For an original BEX version:
Install BattleTech Extended 3025-3061, then unpack The Big Deal Add-On – BEX archive and move all folders from there to your Mods folder, confirming the replacement of files.

– For BEX in pair with BTX CAC Compatibility:
Install BattleTech Extended 3025-3061, then install BTX CAC Compatibility following the instructions here: mcb’s BTX CAC Compatibility
Then unzip The Big Deal Add-On – BEX + CAC-C archive and move all folders from there to your Mods folder, confirming the replacement of files.

– For an original version of BEX with Solaris 7 mod:
Install BattleTech Extended 3025-3061, then install the Solaris 7 modification (except the Extended Conversations folder, TBD uses newer version of it), also confirming the file replacement. Then unpack the archive The Big Deal Add-On – BEX and move all folders from there to your Mods folder, confirming the replacement of files. Finally, extract The Big Deal – Solaris Patch (BEX) archive and move the folder from there to your Mods folder, confirming the file replacement.

– For BEX with BTX CAC Compatibility and Solaris 7 mods:
Install BattleTech Extended 3025-3061, then install BTX CAC Compatibility following the instructions here: mcb’s BTX CAC Compatibility
Then install the Solaris 7 modification (except the Extended Conversations folder, TBD uses newer version of it), also confirming the replacement of the files. The next step is to extract The Big Deal Add-On – BEX + CAC-C archive and move all folders from there to your Mods folder, confirming the replacement of files. Finally, unzip The Big Deal – Solaris Patch (BEX + CAC) archive and move the folder from there to your Mods folder, confirming the replacement of files.

– For a patch with improved medical equipment:
Install the required set of mods according to the previous instructions, then unpack the Improved Medical Upgrades archive and place the folder from it in your Mods folder, confirming the replacement of the files. This patch is compatible with ALL versions of The Big Deal add-on.

Once again, the order of installation of all options in a shorter and more accessible form:
BEX + TBD: BEX → TBD → Medical upgrades patch (optional)
BEX + Solaris + TBD: BEX → Solaris 7 → TBD → Solaris patch → Medical upgrades patch (optional)
BEX + CAC + TBD: BEX → CAC-C → TBD → Medical upgrades patch (optional)
BEX + CAC + Solaris + TBD: BEX → CAC-C → Solaris 7 → TBD → Solaris patch → Medical upgrades patch (optional)

ATTENTION! If you are going to install BTX CAC Compatibility on an existing save with The Big Deal mod, you MUST put into storage ALL of your 'Mechs equipped with any Active Probes, ECM systems, Chameleon Light Polarization Shield and/or Null Signature System before installing, otherwise your saves may be damaged. If, after installing BTX CAC Compatibility and the corresponding version of The Big Deal, these BattleMechs still have problems, then delete them using the save editor and add them again – in this case, the problem should be solved. Also, you will probably have to replace all Inferno launchers, AMS, ECM and Active Probes from the storage manually with similar equipment from the CAC Compatibility mod using the same editor. After installing the CAC Compatibility, you will also need to update TBD, replacing it with the CAC-compatible version: to do this, delete the existing fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder in your Mods folder and install the CAC-compatible version following the instructions above.

ATTENTION! Random spawns for flashpoints are disabled in TBD. If for some reason you reinstall Mission Control mod, then make sure that the contents of the corresponding folder from TBD zip are still in place. This is important, because otherwise you have every chance of being unable to complete the campaign – you will simply be torn apart.

– I installed this mod and it doesn’t work!
The mod has been tested countless times during development and triple checked before release. Everything worked and the campaign is available for the full playthrough, I’m sure of it. If something doesn’t work for you, then, I suppose, one of the three:

  1. You installed this mod incorrectly: unpacked it in the wrong place, didn’t confirm the replacement of files during installation, or didn’t follow the installation order.
  2. Your installation of BattleTech Extended is corrupt, installed incorrectly, or is below
  3. There is something third-party in your mods assembly that conflicts with The Big Deal.

In this case, I advise you to delete everything that is in your Mods folder, and perform a completely clean installation of all the necessary mods according to the instructions for them. This should fix the issue.

– My game crashes while launching a mission, what’s the problem?
If an error is indicated in the BT log, the code of which contains the blocks NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object and (UnityEngine.Transform parentTransform), then your CAB files are damaged. So far, only one such case has been reported, the problem is solved through the CAB installer in two ways:

  1. Run it, click “Advanced Mode”, check the box “Correct Corrupted Files”, start the installation. Damaged files should be fixed automatically.
  2. Complete reinstallation of all CAB directories after deleting the existing ones.

– I can’t find The Opportunist FP, where is it located?
It’s a vanilla FP, but it’s been moved. It’s currently located in the Awano system, northeast of Terra. If you can’t find it, use the search: on the star map screen, press CTRL + F.

– The campaign is too hard, I can’t complete it. Can you make it easier?
Campaign difficulty has already been significantly lowered for release. Either you don’t have a powerful enough team, or your tactics are ineffective. In short, get tougher and smarter, if you’re trying to kick the whole galaxy’s ass with just Wasp, Cicada, Quickdraw and Charger – that’s definitely a bad idea.

– The campaign is too easy, I want more difficulty!
I’m very glad that your mercenary unit is so tough. You can always try higher difficulty settings if the current ones aren’t enough for you, but there won’t be any additional campaign difficulty – not everyone likes crazy hardcore.

– I don’t want to play the campaign, but I need the 'Mechs from this mod. Can you post them separately?
It makes no sense – you can just ignore the campaign or refuse to continue at almost any time, in which case The Big Deal will work like an ordinary mechpack.

– Do you know that %anything% doesn’t match TT/BT lore?
Tell that to Victoria and her King Crab.
Nothing in the campaign plot directly breaks the lore of BT – it’s just a side story about a big deal and a lot of money without any attempt to highlight the already existing lore events in the BattleTech universe. Controversial plot events could well have happened, we just don’t know about it.
As for TT, The Big Deal isn’t a tabletop game mod. All loadouts were close to the original ones from MegaMekLab, as far as technically possible. Unique items and chassis may not match the TT, but they cannot be obtained more than once and don’t cause significant balance damage. However, if you want 100% TT match, then, I guess, it’s worth playing BTA 3062 or RogueTech.

– Is it possible to fail the campaign?
It’s possible, and there are more than enough ways to do this. The campaign will automatically fail if you fail to complete any episode within 180 days of its spawn (except The Opportunist, its respawn is unlimited), and if you fail the flashpoints, it will not be able to respawn. In addition, you can make the wrong choice directly during the playthrough of flashpoints, but this isn’t difficult to avoid: carefully read the texts of conversations, in most cases the wrong choice is quite obvious. In situations where it’s not completely obvious, you will have the opportunity to change your mind.
Are there any choice situations in the campaign that will not affect the further playthrough? Yes, there are, but there are very few of them. As a hint, it doesn’t matter how you finish The Opportunist, but you’ll have to deal with the rest of these situations on your own.

– Will The Big Deal be adapted to RogueTech, BTA 3062 or BattleTech Revised?
No, as I don’t play these mods, but you can always make your own adapted version. If someone makes it, tests it thoroughly and is sure that it works 100% – no problem, I can add such a version to GitHub.

– Can I play The Big Deal on vanilla BattleTech?
No, because TBD requires some mods from the BattleTech Extended pack. It makes no sense to try to adapt – too much work, will be easier to just install BEX.

– Can I play The Big Deal without one or more DLCs?
No way: some DLC content cannot be recreated using mods. So you need all three main DLC for BT anyway.

– Can I play without the BiggerDrops patch?
You can, but I HIGHLY don’t recommend it: this patch affects the filling of enemy lances at the end of the campaign, so without it you will definitely run into problems, and I have no idea how disastrous they can be.
On the other hand, you can always install BiggerDrops and disable additional enemy lances in the Mission Control settings if they don’t suit you.

– I didn’t figure out how to start a campaign?
Apparently you didn’t read the description. I’ll explain again:

  1. If you have started a NEW BattleTech campaign or career, The Big Deal campaign will start after completing The Opportunist flashpoint.
  2. If The Opportunist has NOT been activated by you yet, i.e. even if it spawned, but you did NOT start it, then everything will work as in the previous paragraph.
  3. If you have ALREADY COMPLETED The Opportunist, the campaign will start with the start of The Letter event at a random time. In this case, I strongly recommend preparing your mercenary unit as much as possible before installation.

– Is The Big Deal compatible with existing BattleTech Extended saves?
Again, you didn’t read the description carefully. The modification is fully compatible with existing saves for BattleTech Extended.

– What do I need to play this campaign through?
All the best weapons and equipment you can get your hands on, as well as ace pilots and a fair amount of ‘Mechs. I advise you to prepare at least two assault lances, the same number of heavy BattleMechs, and at least one full medium lance.

– I’m looking for new 'Mechs from the mod, where can I find them?
Here is the complete list:

PLG-3Z, BLR-1GBc, BLR-1Gc, SPR-4F, CRD-1R, WVE-5Nsl, KSC-4I, KSC-4L, THG-11Eb, CRB-27sl, EXT-4C, EXC-B1, EXC-B2. EXC-B2b, EXC-C1, SHG-2H, GLH-1D and KY2-D-02: Find ComStar or WoB and kick their asses. Probably they will deploy these ‘Mechs. Some of them are also used by Snord’s Irregulars.

SHG-2E and 2F: Wolf’s Dragoons are your friends.

SPR-5F: Davion and Steiner forces, their elite units and ComStar, but only after 01/01/3053 – the 5F model was put into production after this date.

RFL-2N: This was a pretty common model, but is now extinct, so it’s everywhere, but quite rare.

KY2-D-01: Primitive 'Mech, can be found in local troops and peripheral states.

PLG-1N: It’s found in about the same places as the Victor models A and A1, but has a lower chance of appearing.


  1. You can try to fight Kuritan elite units any time and maybe you’ll find it, but the chances are extremely low until 3047.
  2. 'Mechs refitted from stock 6R into 6Rk can be encountered in battles against any troops using the Draconis Combine tables, but after the beginning of 3047.
  3. If you have a high reputation with House Kurita and completed some Kuritan flashpoints with the correct ending (i.e. finishing the job), then sooner or later Yamaguchi will call you with a business proposal.


  1. You can try to fight Davion elite units any time and maybe you’ll find it, but the chances are extremely low until 3043.
  2. 'Mechs refitted from stock 1G into 1Gd can be encountered in battles against any troops using the Federated Suns tables, but after the beginning of 3043.

BattleAxe BKX-7K, BattleAxe BKX-7NC, Hammerhands HMH-3D and Hammerhands HMH-4D: Technically, these chassis are extinct, but occasionally they can be found in Davion local troops.

Phoenix PX-3R, Phoenix PX-4R, Ymir BWP-2B and Ymir BWP-2E: Technically, these chassis are extinct, but occasionally they can be found in Steiner local troops.

Ymir BWP-3A: The very few remaining 3A 'Mechs are used by ComStar and Steiner elite troops.

Von Rohrs VON 4RH-5 and Von Rohrs VON 4RH-6: Technically, these chassis are extinct, but occasionally they can be found in Kuritan local troops.

Hector HOR-1B and Hector HOR-1C: Technically, these chassis are extinct, but occasionally they can be found in Marik local troops.

Archer ARC-5CS, Marauder MAR-5CS, Phoenix Hawk PXH-1bC, Rifleman RFL-5CS, Shadow Hawk SHD-2Ht and Warhammer WHM-7CS: These all are ComStar refits used in the Battle of Tukayyid. They can be stumbled upon in missions with the participation of ComStar or WoB after 01/01/3052 with a small probability.

Annihilator ANH-1X: Skirmish only.

Corsair COR-5R, COR-5T, COR-6R and COR-7A: According to Sarna, these 'Mechs first appeared in 3035. However, these are hand-built pirate 'Mechs, so it is possible that some machines could have appeared earlier.
5R, 5T and 6R have been used by pirates since 3025, becoming somewhat more common from 3035.
You can stumble upon 7A in battles against pirates since 3050.


  1. Models 3I and 3L are used by the CCAF, as well as by the capellan forces of the local militia.
  2. Models 4I and 4L are used by ComStar. You can also stumble upon them while fighting the elite units of the Capellan Confederation, but this is extremely unlikely.

Both new unique chassis are only obtainable once, and you’ll have to find them yourself to avoid spoilers. Whether you get them or not depends on your actions.

– I’m looking for new Ronins\Argo medical upgrades\chassis upgrades, where can I find them?
Again, in all cases, this will be a spoiler, but you definitely won’t miss Ronins or ship upgrades. Speaking of ‘Mech upgrades, you will encounter one of them one way or another, while the second upgrade can be obtained through a chain of events, but the launch of this chain depends only on your actions.

– Is it possible to get unique ‘Mechs or new unique equipment more than once?
Not by in-game methods, so if you lose them, you can’t replace them. Unless you’re a cheater, of course, but that would be too easy, right?

– I can’t find the Rail Gun, where can I find it?
These weapons can be found in Former SLDF planets stores or Black Market. The weapon is rare and expensive, it’s very difficult to find it. You’ll have a couple more opportunities to get it and you won’t miss them, but think carefully before you take them – maybe Rail Gun right here and now isn’t worth it, and it’s worth waiting for another chance?..

– How to unlock new emblems for the team?
They are available immediately after installation in the paint settings of your unit.

– Some ‘Mechs look weird! My Pillager looks like a Kodiak, is that normal?
It doesn’t look like Kodiak, it just uses the Kodiak model. The problem is that some 'Mechs don’t have models in CAB, so they use models from other 'Mechs. If someone makes an appropriate model for this or that BattleMech this will be fixed, of course.

– Are there any further plans for the development of mod or new flashpoints?
No, but I won’t think ahead. All development of the mod is planned to be limited to the necessary maintenance, since this is a finished story. Although it can always be expanded…

Not noticed, but nobody’s perfect, so various minor flaws, despite repeated testing, may still be present. However, there are things you should be aware of.

  1. Some BattleMechs (e.g. Pillager, Kyudo, Galahad, Spector, Hammerhands and some others) don’t have their own models in CAB, so they use models from other 'Mechs. If someday there will be their own models for them, then this will be fixed, of course.
  2. Due to the lack of own models, some ‘Mechs don’t have their own affinities, so don’t be surprised, say, that the pilot of your Pillager knows how to drive a Kodiak. Again, this will be fixed if suitable models appear in the CAB.
  3. Due to fewer internal slots than in the TT, some 'Mechs have a different heatsink layout relative to the TT. In particular, some heatsinks had to be built into the engine. This means that the cooling system is working fine, you just can’t dismantle them to get more free tonnage, but at the same time, you can’t lose these heat sinks in combat – unless, of course, your machine’s CT is destroyed.
  4. Placement of Endo-, FF- and Endo + FF slots doesn’t match completely with TT loadouts. This is due to the smaller number of internal slots in BT MechLab, and also because BEX reduces the volume of this equipment by 1 slot. Not a problem, but you should be aware of it.

All original files from BT Extended CE, BT Extended Timeline, FullXotlTables, MechAffinity, Mission Control, VXI FlashpointShift, IRTweaks and BTHospitalFix belong to their authors. If you plan to use the files in your own mods, then please contact them. The same applies to the fixed actuators of the new ‘Mechs.

If you would like to use The Big Deal in your mod pack for public release, please contact me:
And you can contact me about TBD at the BattleTech Extended discord server in the other-mods channel: BattleTech Extended discord server

Amechwarrior – awesome guide to making flashpoints, which you can check out here: Paradox forum

lordruthermore – Rail Gun stats calculations, help with advices on BT lore and 'Mechs design.

RJPhoenix – technical assistance with customizing the design of some 'Mechs and provided content from VXI_RealPirates.

mcb – tech help with code, BTHospitalFix mod created specifically for TBD and starmap fixes.

Kierk – various technical assistance.

MRB – improving and simplifying the code for factions and ammo.

CWolf – Mission Control extended lances fixes for TBD, also, with his permission, the Extended Conversations mod was added.

Holda-volk – holoscreen images refinement, as well as portraits for three key characters. You can see more of the artist’s works here: DeviantArt gallery

Anna Shekhovtsova – face and appearance of one of the key characters of the campaign, albeit episodic.

Pode – main idea behind The General’s weaponry.

Lullbaby of me – minor editing of the third episode and idea for the face of the main antagonist in S&V campaign.

Winterless – text edits for the WHM-6Rk and related event.

Taliesin – detection of one of the critical bugs in pre-release builds.

Morgen – translation of the second episode.

Berghild – proofreading the second and third episodes, as well as participating in the testing of the second.

Goodtry – proofreading the second episode, as well as participating in its testing.

Suryn – participation in the testing of the second episode.

Xaero – proposal to add ECM and BAP to stores and reward crates.

Dephylr, aka Sidika – idea for the fanciest new emblem.

Enabling – contract respawn fix.

And many other people from the BattleTech Extended discord server who helped with countless little questions and ideas. You’re all cool and wonderful, you know?

I express my special gratitude to Waladil for a truly titanic work on proofreading and correcting 67 pages of text used in TBD campaign and to Perry Chalmers for proofreading 33 pages of text used in S&V campaign and the whole text for the Carnor Sal’s campaign.

I would also like to thank Haree and everyone who had a hand in the creation of BattleTech Extended 3025-3061 for a great mod, the team, whose descriptions were used in the files of the new BattleMechs, and the MegaMek team, since MegaMekLab data was used to create new ‘Mechs.

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The mod has been updated to version 1.1. Here’s what’s new:
– Changed loadout and Yang’s commentary for the Crusader CRD-1R to better match the BT timeline (thanks lordruthermore).
– Added Ymir BWP-2B, BWP-2E and BWP-3A, as well as Hector HOR-1B and HOR-1C (again, thanks to lordr for the text edits).
– An option to save the game after the second mission has been added for MMRNR due to the increased chance of game crashes on urban maps.
– The cover of The Mackies album has been added to the archive as a bonus.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.1, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.1.1. Here’s what’s new:
– Slightly changed the loadout of The General.
– In the “Good Company” event, the text of one of the answer options was slightly changed (it was too ambiguous).
– The ammo rack capacity for the Rail Gun has been increased from 4 to 5 rounds per ton.
– The Rail Gun version + has become a little cheaper and lighter by 3 tons, the bonus for a smaller size is also preserved.
– Fixed the price of the Rail Gun + + version, it was cheaper than it should be.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.1.1, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.1.2. Here’s what’s new:
– Improved built-in rangefinder suite for RF2-A.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.1.2, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.1.3.
– Technical update, nothing new, but extra and missing commas have been fixed in the mechs files where necessary (thanks Polyonymous).

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.1.3, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.1.4.
– Changes made to the pre-final episode:

  1. Added a save point after mission №2;
  2. The difficulty of the final mission has been changed: 2 enemy mechs have been removed, the placement and lance tags of the rest have been changed. Still hard, but more logical.

– Fixed minor issue with Cataphract’s affinity showing as Caesar. Now it’s the other way around, but it makes more sense, given that Caesar is the Cataphract reworked by the FedSuns.
– The built-in rangefinder suite for RF2-A has been changed once again: the range optimization bonus has been replaced with +10% damage for ballistic weapons.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.1.4, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.1.5.
– There is no new content, but a few minor technical fixes have been made to the events. Also fixed a few typos in Yang’s comments on two Ymirs and one Hector.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.1.5, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.2.
– Added Corsairs models 5R, 5T, 6R and 7A (thanks to Pode for editing the texts).
– The loadout of The General was changed a bit.
– For the correct operation of all Corsairs, the pirates Xotl table has been significantly changed. It retains the same values, but the table now uses three columns for different dates of appearance, so if you made edits there, you will have to completely redo them.
– In the version for CAC-C, the mod.json of the CAC-C itself has been updated to the latest version.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.2, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.2.1.
Version 1.2.1
– The composition of reinforcement lances in the final mission of branch A of the WW episode has been changed, a typo in the mission description has also been fixed.
– Several tanks in the final mission of branch A of the BS episode were replaced with lighter ones, the settings of one of the 'Mechs were also changed. In general - a slight simplification of the battle.
– Big Iron is now based on the MSK-9H chassis instead of the MSK-7A, and is also equipped with the Guardian ECM. Replaced with a new version in all missions where it occurs.
– Slightly changed the third conversation between missions in the BS episode.
– Added Guardian ECM description for conversations.
– In the third mission of the RTTJ episode, the settings of one of the reinforcement lances were slightly changed.
– Changed the description of the mod to better represent what players will need to complete the campaign.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.2.1, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder and .modtek (NOT ModTek!) there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.2.2.
– Added a technical tag TBD_ronin for all new ronins as requested by Mister Grim. Unfortunately, the tag will only appear automatically for pilots if you haven’t hired them yet.
– Fixed a typo in one of the objectives of the first mission of the MMRNR episode.
– Added emblem Clan Storm Kitty in two versions. It’s just a joke, but it looks good. Thanks lordruthermore for the idea.
– In the final conversation of the RTTJ episode, one phrase was replaced. It looked illogical due to a translation error.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.2.2, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.2.3
– Fixed a couple of typos in the 3A mission of the WW episode.
– Fixed a typo in the general description of all Mackie 'Mechs for conversations.
– Fixed too low stability damage for the Rail Gun from 40 to 85. However, with all the huge firepower and range, it’s still an extremely rare and heavy weapon, ineffective at short range.
– The RFL-2N model Rifleman (50-ton chassis) now has its own separate Rangefinder suite: since this 'Mech can’t use ballistic weapons, the 50 m view range bonus has been retained, but the -2 bonus to recoil penalty has been changed to +2 to accuracy of energy weapons.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.2.3, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder and .modtek (NOT ModTek!) there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.3.
– Fixed several text errors in the final episode.
– In the description of bonuses from built-in equipment for RF2-A and RFL-2N, the bonus to accuracy is now correctly displayed.
– Removed Rail Gun from random reward lists for original flashpoints. This means that you can still get it through the campaign or find it in stores, but it will no longer appear as a random item in vanilla, GDL, The Raid or Tukayyid FP crates.
– Both Von Rohrs 'Mechs and the WHM-6Rk Warhammer have received a Large Engine quirk, i.e. they now have a +1 bonus to initiative.
– Added Koschei, namely – models 3I, 3L, 4I and 4L. Thanks Pode for editing the texts.
– Updated data for manual entry (remember, it’s only used to set compatibility with other mods manually).

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.3, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder and .modtek (NOT ModTek!) there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.
I strongly recommend that you also do a complete reinstallation of the CAB, since in some cases the Koschei model isn’t displayed without that.

Unfortunately, in the 1.3 version of TBD, a critical error was made in all new mechdefs, you will have to update it again. If you already have 1.3 installed then just go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder there and reinstall according to the usual instructions. All download links have been updated to version 1.3.1.
If you reinstalled the CAB to update TBD to version 1.3, then you don’t need to reinstall the CAB a second time.

The mod has been updated to version 1.4. The changelog has been removed from the description here due to the fact that the text no longer fits entirely. Here’s what’s new:
– Added Thug THG-11Eb. The Royal SLDF model differs from the regular one only by using the ER PPCs instead of the regular PPCs, but fits in the timeline. Found in WoB and ComStar units. Thanks to Keivar, Sarini and Haree78 for the text edits.
– Now Koschei 4I/4L and Ymir BWP-3A are available for WoB, but with a very low chance of appearing.
– Minor corrections in the Xotl tables of the House Kurita, some values were missing there.
– Minor changes to the Koschei icon – brightness and contrast.
– Added one new emblem for your mercenary unit, taken from MWO.
– Changed mission 4A in the final episode (TBD), two enemies in it were replaced, and two enemy pilots were also swapped. The mission is still quite difficult if you’re just trying to attack head-on, but it’s gotten a little easier overall.
– At the multiple requests of the players, a save point was added to the final episode (TBD).
– In the final mission of the episode RTTJ, one of the enemy 'Mechs was returned, but instead of a heavy one, it was replaced with a medium one.
– For СAС-С version, copies of settings in IRBTModUtils and Mission Control were re-copied, since СAС-С was updated.
– Even though TBD was never purposely designed to be compatible with BTX Tanks, I know that some players successfully use this combination. Since BTX Tanks require an outdated version of CAC-C, the ability to download the old version of TBD for these players has been retained, and a patch from Kierk has been added to it, which fixes the mobility of the Annihilators. Link added to the description in the downloads section.
– Updated patch for compatibility with Solaris 7 in CAC-C version.
– Added a fix for The Raid flashpoint, which was originally included in the BEX, now The Muscle will no longer appear in battle in several copies.
– The CAC-C version also added a temporary patch for FP The Raid, since the transition to ModTek 2.0 blocks the ability to launch missions where enemies use modified Atlases. Atlases now use standard models, as soon as mcb finds a way around this, I’ll revert this change.
– Adjusted affinities for Shadow Hawk Umbra and Atlas, which was created for kickstarter backers - 'Mechs with these models had no affinities at all. Unfortunately, 'Mechs with these models still use separate affinities, so let’s say if your pilots alternately ride any Shadow Hawk and Umbra model, they will have two Shadow Hawks with different counters in their statistics. I definitely can’t fix it, and not even sure if it’s possible.
– The built-in rangefinder for RF2-A has been changed once again: +3 bonus to accuracy and -2 to recoil penalties have been removed, instead +50% chance of critical damage has been added. However, the +100 m vision range and +10% damage bonuses are retained, as is the reduction to the long range penalty. Now the 'Mech will be less OP and more balanced, and it’s still an excellent sniper.
– Fixed planet_ruins tag, which should initially look like planet_other_ruins. However, since this tag is responsible for triggering events whose contents only make sense in the Periphery, it has only been fixed on Periphery planets and Great House worlds bordering the Periphery. This means that you will not be able to stumble upon these events somewhere deep in the territory of, say, Steiner, but on some of the border planets of Steiner or the adjacent Periphery, this may well happen. Unfortunately, this star system fix only works for a new campaign or career.
– Updated data archive for manual input.
– A few minor edits to the mod description.

All download links have been updated. To update your TBD to version 1.4, go to the Mods directory, delete the fps_TheBigDealBEXCE folder and .modtek (NOT ModTek!) there and reinstall according to the usual instructions.

The mod has been updated to version 1.4.1.
– In the WW episode, branch B missions were updated, there were some non-critical errors in the code (thanks to GrayWolfe for finding the problem).
– Added emblem of the Clan Wolverine, because Bull Shark at the time of receipt carries exactly such emblems.
– Pillager and Spector now have their own icons, models and affinities (thanks to the CAB team for the models, and Kierk for the icons).
– In the CAC-C version, RF2-A now uses its own model and icon (thanks to FrostRaptor for fixing the model according to my feedback).
– Updated the final mission in both branches for the last flashpoint. It got a little more difficult.
– Updated data archive for manual input.
As a bonus, another cover of The Mackies albums has been added. It was made back in February, but then it wasn’t posted anywhere.

If you have a Spector or Pillager (or RF2-A in CAC-C version), put them into the storage and take them out of there to correctly update the models and icons. If after that the 'Mechs aren’t displayed in the MechBay, follow these steps:
– Exit to the main menu and in the Mods menu, disable all parts of the CAB, restart the game;
– After restarting, you will receive several error messages. Enable the CAB again and exit the game;
– Restart in your mods folder ModTekInjector.exe
– Launch the game, load the save and check if your 'Mechs are displayed in the MechBay.
If this doesn’t help, reinstall the CAB completely and run the ModTekInjector.exe again after reinstalling.

Another day, another patch.
Version 1.4.3
– Fixed hand actuators in Sim+ mode for all Ymir chassis.
– Fixed Hammerhands, BattleAxe and Von Rohrs missing from the Xotl tables, preventing them from being encountered in combat.
Special thanks to Kierk for detecting all those bugs.

Just reinstall TBD as usual.

TBD has been updated to version 1.4.5.
Changes for both versions:
– Added a new emblem. Looks stylish and beautiful, you’ll definitely like it.
– Removed changes to the Solaris system to correctly display the color on the star map when using the Solaris 7 mod.
– Added fix for The Steel Beast FP, no more 4 Tubbs in one battle.
– Fixed a typo in Yang’s comment for Rifleman 2N.
– Changed the description of the Crusader 1R as this 'Mech isn’t equipped with the Artemis FCS.
– The nasty old bug with the Pillager has finally been fixed, now its UI should display correctly in combat, that is, above the 'Mech, not somewhere nearby.
– Ymir, Phoenix, Hector, BattleAxe, HammerHands and Von Rohrs have been added to the Xotl tables of the regular troops of their respective Great Houses. They should be a bit easier to find now, although the overall drop rate has remained unchanged.
– All events intended to launch the FPs of TBD campaign have been re-created. This is supposed to fix a bug that some players get when flashpoints don’t spawn even though events work, but I haven’t been able to reproduce this bug in tests with either the old or the new events, so there’s still some chance.
– Fixed a lot of incorrectly placed commas in the code. It doesn’t affect the performance of TBD, but it will not get worse. Thanks to Kierk for spotting this issue.
– Updated data for manual entry.

Changes for САС-С version:
– Since Artemis FCS is now a separate upgrade in CAC-C, all 'Mechs with Artemis-equipped missile launchers now use standard launchers with the separately installed Artemis upgrade.
– All missile launchers with built-in Artemis FCS have been removed from TBD reward lists, but now there are chances to get the upgrade itself instead.
– Missile launchers LRM-15 and LRM-20 class +++ of the manufacturer Delta with Artemis FCS (those with -1 slot and -4 to heat) have been removed from TBD. Instead, similar missile launchers without Artemis FCS have been added.
– Removed fix for The Raid FP, since CAC-C now has a built-in one.
– Updated MechAffinity settings.

ATTENTION! If you’re using CAC-C and have Artemis-equipped LRM-15 and/or LRM-20 from Delta (-1 slot, -4 heat), be sure to dismantle them from your 'Mechs and sell them from the storage before installing TBD 1.4.5, otherwise you will NOT be able to load your saves. If you have already installed the update, but have not done so, use the save editor to remove this weapon.

Unscheduled update 1.4.6.
– Fixed minor bugs in Xotl, previously made in 1.4.5.
– Replaced mod.json for CAC-C version with the current one.
– Fixed Stone Rhino model 5, 6 and 7 actuators for simulation modes.
– Updated data for manual entry.
Thanks to Kierk for pointing out the issues.
Just reinstall TBD as usual: delete the old version and put the folder of the new one in Mods.

There was a critical error in the previous version, I apologize. Version 1.4.6A is already available, reinstall TBD in the usual way.

ATTENTION! Before installing version 1.4.6A, go to the Mods\FullXotlTables\XotlTables folder and delete two files:
Mech Weighting Extended - Steiner.csv

If you don’t have the Mech_Weighting_Extended_-_Steiner.csv file, it’s all right, just delete the first one.

TBD has been updated to version 1.4.6B. There is no new content, but:
– CAC-C version has been updated for use with the new release of CAC-C.
– For both versions, a separate RAR file, Emergency files – manual FP start, has been added with files for manually launching flashpoints if something doesn’t work for you, since it is impossible to completely fix this error. There are also instructions there.